8 Most Healing Foods for Back Pain and Soreness

You may be surprised to learn that there are actually foods that help with back pain! These are usually foods filled with anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation.

Picking out and eating these types of foods can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments for back pain. This may include visits to the chiropractor, massage therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and naturopathy.

So, which foods can help with your back pain? We have eight healing foods for back pain that you should start add to your diet as soon as possible:

1. Salmon for back pain

One of the best healing foods for back pain is salmon. It is a type of fish that is rich in nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids which help reduce inflammation and decrease chronic back pain.

Omega-3s work like anti-inflammatory pain medications without the side effects and without having to ingest chemicals that may be hard on other parts of your body, such as your liver, kidneys, and stomach. If you can go natural, rather than taking medication, you will be doing your body a favour!

So, how much salmon should you be eating? About two to four meals a week that include fatty fish like salmon should start alleviating your back pain. Salmon is also good for your overall health, so you can’t go wrong by eating a bit more salmon.

2. Tuna for back pain

You guessed it, tuna is another one of those fish that are high in anti-inflammatory properties. Tuna is also full of other important nutrients the body needs, so adding it to your diet will help with your overall health, not just back pain.

One of the great things about tuna is that it is easily accessible and convenient. You can buy canned tuna and then use it for your lunch, all with minimal effort needed!

Pro Tip: If tuna and salmon aren’t your thing, you can add sardines, black cod, and herring to your diet. All of these fish go a long way in improving blood flow to your back and help reduce pain.

3. Cherries for back pain

Cherries are full of antioxidants and pain-fighting anthocyanins. This tasty fruit can help reduce inflammation levels in the body significantly. So, be sure to snack on these whenever possible.

Some other fruits that are rich in antioxidants include raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries. Eating these berries can really help with back pain so we recommend giving it a try to help with your pain management plan.

4. Coffee for back pain

You know that tasty drink that fuels your day? Well, it’s also on your side when it comes to fighting back pain! That’s why it’s found in many different over-the-counter medications, including painkillers.

A study done by the University of Georgia found that drinking two cups of coffee helped reduce post-workout pain in participants by 50%!

Keep in mind that coffee is full of caffeine and therefore can dehydrate you pretty quickly. A good rule of thumb is to drink one glass of water for each cup of coffee you drink.

5. Nuts for back pain

All types of nuts have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. These include walnuts, pecans, peanuts, cashews, and almonds.

What’s so wonderful about this is that it’s so easy to incorporate nuts into your diet. Instead of reaching for junk food, eat nuts instead. Not only are they good for your overall health, but they help fight back pain too, thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Since virtually all nuts have anti-inflammatory properties, it’s easy to find one that you like and will eat consistently.

6. Red grapes for back pain

Red grapes are high in resveratrol, which has antioxidant properties. This compound tends to be concentrated in the skins and seeds of red grapes.

Other foods that are rich in resveratrol include raspberries, cranberries, peanuts, and even red wine! Since grape skins are included in the fermentation of red wine, that’s why there’s such a high concentration of resveratrol in this popular beverage.

7. Turmeric for back pain

You may have heard about turmeric in recent years. It’s gained massive popularity thanks to its healing properties. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory spice that eases back pain, among other aches and pains.

A study conducted by the National Institute of Health found that turmeric inhibits a specific protein that activates the body’s natural inflammatory response. This is what leads to sore joints.

Incorporating turmeric in your diet can have profound effects on your health, so we recommend giving it a try.

8. Ginger for back pain

Ginger root also contains compounds that are known to reduce inflammation linked to back pain and other types of pain. A good amount to add to your diet is two to three teaspoons of ginger a day.

You can include ginger in your cooking, such as adding it to stir-fry dishes and tea. We hope that making some simple changes to your diet will help you deal with your back pain.