7 Worst Foods to Avoid For Hormonal Acne

While acne vulgaris, the technical term for regular acne, is caused by dead skin cells and oil from the skin clogging hair follicles, hormonal acne is triggered by fluctuations in the hormones of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Puberty is often when you experience it, but it can also happen to adults, particularly women undergoing menstruation and menopause.

During puberty, acne breaks out in the T zone, which is the forehead, nose and chin; as an adult, it can also appear on the cheeks and jawline. Hormonal acne often is unavoidable, although you can minimize its appearance with beauty treatments. A Toronto cosmetic clinic can help with these treatments.

In addition, certain things can trigger acne and make the breakout worse, like lack of sleep, stress and oily hair products. The types of food you eat can also contribute to these clogged pores and nasty pimples.

Are you wondering what shouldn’t you eat? Here are foods to avoid for hormonal acne.

Food #1: Dairy

Dairy is that delicious elixir provided by cows that we love to consume. We process it into many forms that taste amazing, including:

  • Cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Milk
  • Sour cream
  • Cottage cheese
  • Yogurt

While it may be tasty on the tongue, A1 casein, the protein in milk, can increase your production of insulin-like growth factor. IGF-1 works to increase testosterone and, in turn, helps tissues grow and develop, but as your body produces more cells, this can lead to more oil on the skin surface to clog pores.

Hormones are fed to cows to increase milk production, and this can make its way into your system, signalling your endocrine system to produce more oil. Milk also increases insulin levels, and that can worsen acne.

Some people find that goat or sheep milk and cheese are less reactive, so it is worth experimenting with.

Food #2: Soy

If you can’t have dairy, then what about soy? Many people have the same issue with soy as with dairy; protein sensitivity. Soy protein can cause inflammation which in turn triggers acne flare-ups. Try switching to soy for your milk needs and see if you still get the same negative effects.

Food #3: Refined Carbohydrates

Grains are a very beneficial food staple that is grown in large quantities around the world. While eating whole grains is part of a healthy diet, refining them is not. Refined carbs come in two main categories:

Food #4: Refined Grains

This is the whole grain stripped of its fibre, minerals and vitamins through processing. Some of the culprits are:

  • Cereal
  • Pasta
  • White bread
  • White rice
  • Pastries

Gluten, the protein found in grains, increases inflammation in some people and can cause a leaky gut, which triggers a host of inflammatory chemicals.

Processed Sugar This is the white and brown sugar we put on top of things and add to our baking. It’s also in abundance in most processed foods and drinks.

Both of these refined carbs cause a fast insulin spike to deal with the glucose in our system, leading to increased IGF-1 and starting the acne cycle again.

Food #5: Processed Sugar

It’s worth talking more about sugar because it affects hormonal acne. Most people consume sugar daily, sometimes without realizing it. The natural sugar in fruit doesn’t have the same effect, though.

Processed sugar creates an insulin need in the body, making the ovaries produce acne-causing testosterone. Sugar also promotes the growth of cells, oil production, and bacteria. Artificial sweeteners aren’t much better as our bodies quickly expel them through urination and excessive sweat, causing inflammation.

Food #6: Fast Food

Fast food can barely be called food, but it fills the stomach with processed material. It is loaded with all the above ingredients, combined into happy meals and combo deals.

Besides processed sugar, refined grains, dairy and soy, fast food also has additional additives that produce an inflammatory reaction once we eat it. These high-calorie, high-fat, high glycemic index foods increase the risk of a hormonal acne outbreak.

Food #7: Unbalanced Meals

Avoiding the nutritional causes of hormonal acne can leave a void in your daily sustenance, so you need to fill that plate with nutritious foods. Your meals need to be balanced.

Here are some suggestions to create a balanced meal:


Pick options like strawberries, blueberries, bananas, apples, grapefruit, pears and peaches.


Select a wide, colourful variety of veggies like broccoli, spinach, carrots, beets, cauliflower, zucchini, squash and kale.

Healthy Fats

Fat is good for you if you pick olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, whole eggs and nut butter.

Dairy Alternatives

Dairy alternatives are milk and yogurts made from almonds, cashews and coconut.


High-quality protein includes chicken, turkey, eggs, salmon, shellfish, beef, beans, and lentils.

Whole Grains

Pick grains like brown rice, quinoa, oats and buckwheat.


These need to be unsweetened and include water, tea and lemon water.

Herbs & Spices

Anti-inflammatory herbs are very beneficial. Use cinnamon, garlic, ginger, turmeric, parsley and cayenne.

This is how you can eat when you are prone to hormonal acne. Follow this guide on what to avoid and consume, and use your body to show you what works. You will find that you can better manage your hormonal acne and live a healthier, happy life.