6 Delicious Summer Treats for Kids to Enjoy

Summer is here! Isn’t that awesome? Canadian winters can be quite long and harsh, depending on where in the country you live, so being able to bask in the warm glow of summer–even if it’s just for a few months–feels amazing. (And it’s even better when you have air conditioning for those heat waves.) With all that being said, if you have kids, you know that summer is when you have to keep them at least a little entertained (unless they’re away at a camp).

The heat does little to tamp down their appetite…and that’s where summery treats come in. Sure, you could always just tell them to go make a peanut butter sandwich, but what would be the fun in that? Instead, you can go the extra mile and whip up some of these snacks and treats that will instantly make you ‘mom (or dad) of the year’.

Below are six of the most delicious summer treats for kids to enjoy:

1. Celery with peanut butter

This summer treat is an old standby, and many parents prepare this lunch for their kids heading off to summer camp. What is it about the (admittedly odd) combination of celery sticks and peanut butter that just works so well together? Honestly, we don’t know the answer! But what we do know is that, well, it just is delicious!

To make this fun treat, fill the ‘rut’ of the celery stick with peanut butter and then press some raisins on top of the peanut butter. You can also use nuts, pumpkin seeds, or–for a super special treat–chocolate chips. Obviously, this treat won’t work if your child has a peanut allergy…but we have several other great snacks to choose from!

2. Milkshakes

Milkshakes make an excellent summer treat for kids. Have some leftover ice cream scrapings in a big tub after your kid’s latest birthday party? The huge tub is taking up a lot of room in your freezer, but you just can’t get anyone to eat the half-melted remains. There’s a super simple (and tasty) solution–turn that ice cream into a milkshake! If you’ve got a blender this will only take a minute or so, but even if you don’t, you can just wait for the ice cream to melt a little and then stir it up.

Throw in whatever else you can find that would taste good in a milkshake (maybe the perfect time to use up the caramel, chocolate, and strawberry sauces that you bought to go with the ice cream). Blend the whole thing up, serve in a cool cup, and your child will love it.

3. Fruit juice

Do you have a juicer? If not, you might want to think about getting one! It’s a fantastic way to make all sorts of fruit and vegetable juices that are delicious and better for you than soda pop and other chemical-laden beverages. This can be especially true if your child just really tends to guzzle back harmful, sugary drinks. Get some fruit (maybe ask your local grocery store if you can have the bruised and slightly browning pieces for a lower price) and then create your very own fruit juice bar–right in your own home.

4. Yogurt with cool toppings

Yogurt is an amazing food. Depending on the kind you get, it can be healthy as well as tasty. We’d recommend getting plain yogurt, without any sugary, added flavors. Why? Well, plain yogurt is healthier. And it won’t stay plain for long when you let your kids add all sorts of fun toppings into the mix! Keep some nuts, dried fruits, granola, etc. on hand for when your children want a snack. Then let them add whatever they want to a bowl of yogurt. They’ll love it!

5. Banana pops

Bananas are such a staple of so many little kids’ diets. If your child is sick of eating plain bananas, why not whip up something fun with these banana pops? Cut each banana in half and dip each end in yogurt. (Try using a firmer yogurt–like Greek yogurt–rather than runny yogurt. You don’t want a huge drippy mess in your freezer as the banana pops harden.) Then cover the yogurt with your preferred topping(s). Nuts, chocolate chips, anything! Let the whole thing harden in the freezer and then let your kids dig in!

6. Ice cream

We’ve already mentioned milkshakes, but the truth is that most kids love anything made with ice cream. There are so many recipes out there for various ice cream treats that you can make–like ice cream sandwiches…or even homemade ice cream itself! Yes, it might not be the healthiest treat, but if you don’t serve it every day, go for it! Best of all, your kids will love all the ice cream goodness, and as long as they’re getting plenty of fruits and veggies and protein, a little ice cream now and then isn’t the end of the world.